Non-Medicinal Treatment
Non-medical treatment for the symptoms of ADHD, Autism and Asperger’s
No parent wants to see their child on medication. However, when you are dealing with a child who cannot control their behavior, what other options do you have. The standard of care has been to medicate and continues to be the first line of defense with pediatricians and schools. We now have another option. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment that helps train the brain to more optimal performance and has demonstrated an ability to address many of the symptoms of ADHD, Asperger’s and Autism.

Neurofeedback is an interactive treatment that allows your child’s brain to see itself through software that interprets the EEG (electroencephalogram) signals from the brain. Your child can watch a movie or play a video game while connected to the computer with leads that send the EEG signal of the brain to the software which filters the signal so that feedback is given back to the brain which responds to the feedback. Overly aroused brains, such as those in children with these disorders, can be quieted to the level that allows the brain to function much more optimally. The brain is constantly searching its environment for evidence that it is having an influence. With this technology, we are able to inform the brain of its influence and show it the path toward more optimal functioning. At this point we begin to see more and more abilities come on line. Children with ADHD become more focused and aware, children with Asperger’s and Autism gain more resilience and are able to handle transitions much easier. Language abilities improve, memory and creativity improve, cooperation and positive interactions increase. Meltdowns often resolve completely. Children who are already on medication have often been able to decrease their medication and some are able to stop medication completely.
Parents have been amazed at the results their children are getting and often ask why they haven’t heard of this until now. I can answer this in two ways. First of all, new technology often can take as much as ten to fifteen years to reach mainstream acceptance and this technology is continually being improved and has become more of a powerful tool that in the past. I introduced neurofeedback into my practice because parents were asking for a way to treat these disorders without medication. If you have a child who you believe could benefit from this new technology, I will be happy to discuss with you by phone whether this may be right for you and your child.
Common Symptoms
Behavioral: aggression, excitability, fidgeting, impulsivity, irritability, or lack of restraint
Mood: anger, anxiety, boredom, excitement, or mood swings
Cognitive: absent-mindedness or forgetfulness
Common Symptoms
Behavioral: inappropriate social interaction, poor eye contact, compulsive behavior, impulsivity, repetitive movements, self-harm, or persistent repetition of words or actions
Cognitive: intense interest in a limited number of things or problem paying attention
Developmental: learning disability or speech delay in a child
Psychological: unaware of others' emotions or depression
Common Symptoms
Behavioral: aggression, compulsive behavior, fidgeting, impulsivity, repetitive movements, social isolation, or persistent repetition of words or actions
Muscular: inability to combine muscle movements, poor coordination, or tics.
Mood: anger, anxiety, or apprehension
For more information:
Contact information:
Phone: (310) 490-1246