“Our journey that led us to choose Neurofeedback to help with our sons ADHD may sound familiar to many other families. Our son was always full of energy and strong willed, but he lacked the ability to listen and process information given to him. Eye contact was very difficult, which made it difficult for him to receive and follow through with instruction. We struggled for years with what to do to help him. Once he started kindergarten it was clear that he was in need of some help to stay on task or to just simply listen. First grade was more of the same. Our son is kind, loving and joyful.... How could we help him without using medications to assist him? Well, after a rough start in 2nd grade we decided that medication was our only option. The first few months on the meds he became depressed, couldn’t sleep and had a huge decrees in appetite. We knew we couldn’t continue to put our son through the difficulties that come with ADHD meds and decided to do some research. During our research a family friend recommended looking into Neurofeedback. Within a few days we had our first appointment with Dr. Kobel. Our first visit was an opportunity for Dr. Kobel to learn about our son and us as a family, he ran a test and was able to determine that day where to start with our sons treatment. We began treatment the next day. We went into this knowing that it wasn’t a “quick fix”, it was going to be a process that would not just require visits twice a week for several months, but also a lifestyle change. We were encouraged to make dietary changes and work on a schedule that helped our son build self confidence and independence. Our son enjoyed going to his appointments and every week became more self aware, and made huge improvements at home and at school. He started to engage in conversation, make eye contact and had a great attitude. He was more willing to try new things and felt great about himself when he would achieve new goals. It is very important to take notes of all changes that you see in your child throughout the treatment, positive or negative. The more information you can provide the doctor with, the better he can help your child. We are thankful for all the care and support we received during this process. We have received our new normal because of Neurofeedback! Thank you, Dr. Kobel.
“Hi there and Happy New Year a month late! I have been wanting to write you for a while now, but worried I would jinx things. I want to tell you how amazing Dillon is doing, and how incredibly grateful I am to you every day! Over the winter break Dillon got his drivers license, a job at Vons and a car. He is thriving and I could not be more proud of him and happy for him. He has come such a long way in a year and I owe you a million thanks!!!!!! If you would like to post this on your web site please feel free! If there is anything I can ever do for you please let me know. I give your name to people a lot!! Hope you are well!!!
Individual • Couples • Child Therapy
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